Monday, August 8, 2022

Letterboxd is our new Blogspot - RIP Olivia Newton John

I feel like I'm 100 years old posting here, but typing into a void is ageless I suppose. 

It's been 7 years since we typed anything on this Blogspot, but it doesnt mean we're not typing anywhere else. Over the last year, I have been reviewing movies (not just the bad ones) on Letterboxd, and this 100 year old has only been on Letterboxd about a year, so shows you how cool I am. 

For any old Cinemasochists fan out there, please check out: for reviews, lists and any other necessary film talk. 

The other reason I am here today is because of Olivia Newton John. She just passed away today and aside from Grease (which is objectively amazing) she was also one of the queens of bad cinema because of one movie alone...Xanadu. The pitch perfect mix of glam, pink, disco, lasers and likely, cocaine, Xanadu was the first film we hosted in front of a live audience back in 2010. With the help of Mondo Celluloid, now Frida cinema, we were able to share our love for Xanadu OUT of the comfort of our homes and not just that, we used MUVCHAT, which is essentially a live chat box ON SCREEN while you watch the movie, so quips on quips can ensue. It's basically what people do on Twitch now, but... 12 years ago. As I remembered that amazing night, I thought I'd pop over to our blog spot here and see if it still existed. 

Hope to type more here in the future...

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