
Cinemenus by Mama Maria 

Dinner, and a movie.
The timeless art of romantic seduction, dating back to the days of Shakespeare. 
Who amongst us could forget the moment in which Romeo and Juliet ever-so-cinematically laid eyes upon one another for the first time in 1996 through that stupid fish tank at the annual Capulet masquerade dinner party.  I was eating popcorn, but I probably would have found some redemption in that god-awful scene had someone handed me a bucket of caviar instead. 
And so, in true cinemasochist style, Mama Maria’s kitchen has opened its ovens this year in the hopes of finding some semblance of appropriate meals that will help viewers, if nothing else, eat their way through moronic movies.  

Winner of last year’s best Culinary CineMENUchists Meal:

KING KONG: Monkeying Around In the Kitchen.
Tostones topped with fresh shrimp and cilantro ceviche.
For dessert, we enjoyed chocolate dipped banana Monkey Pops (or, as the locals more commonly now refer to them: Shitty Dick Sticks) – thanks to Claire Crespo for the inspiration for those ediblely inappropriate gems.

Which brings us to 2011 and the first cinemenu of the year.